
Lady Gaga grassa, le foto su Twitter, la privacy e il Ronaldo ciccione

Lady Gaga grassa, le foto su Twitter, la privacy e il Ronaldo ciccione : Sì, lo so, non è la foto più indicata per iniziare un articolo. Però è il deretano santo di Lady Gaga , sai le vagonate di traffico? Non ho resistito, dovevo farlo. Non ha resistito neanche lei, a quanto pare, visto che ha pubblicato tutto su Twitter , per la gioia di centinaia di migliaia di fan. Continua a leggere Lady Gaga grassa, le foto su Twitter, la privacy e il Ronaldo ciccione... Leggi i commenti (1) »

Effetto Dylan Dog: le fiabe televisive, le donzelle da salvare e la fila al supermarket

Effetto Dylan Dog: le fiabe televisive, le donzelle da salvare e la fila al supermarket : L'altra sera mi siedo in poltrona e, armato di telecomando, inizio a fare zapping . Tra un palloso talent e un un altrettanto palloso dibattito politico, finisco con l'arenarmi su una tv privata , una di quelle reti locali che infestano l'etere appena oltre le Colonne d'Ercole rappresentate dal tasto numero 9 , grande scoglio dello spettatore medio. Continua a leggere Effetto Dylan Dog: le fiabe televisive, le donzelle da salvare e la fila al supermarket... Commenta »


Connecting : Brown Butter Pistachio Berry Cakes “Tu verras, quand ma soeur arrivera, il fera beau” , (You’ll see when my sister comes, it will be sunny again) my brother B. tells his wife G. My mother also tells me it’s raining a lot. And it’s not warm for July either. Every time we talk over the phone, I can hear frustration in her voice because I know that this means her daily walk to the next village becomes challenging. I don’t know how it happens but my brother is right. As soon as P., Lulu, and I arrive–and for the entire month of August we spend in my home village–we are blessed with blue skies and sunny days. It’ summer in full force with fields filled with wildflowers ; farmers harvesting ; zucchini and Heirloom tomatoes of all shapes and colors to stuff and make tarts with; plums and mirabelles to bake with , and make jams . And groseilles and mûres to pick in my mother’s garden each day. Lulu does take notice and is the first to help every morning. Taking

London Design Festival 2012: designersblock Highlights

London Design Festival 2012: designersblock Highlights : With queues around the block for the opening night party, designersblock was set to be hit from the beginning. And, it didn’t disappoint. Known for their use of interesting spaces (they were in the Familoe Building last year), this year’s venue was the Southbank Centre’s Festival Village – a space that’s never been open to the public before; it’s usually used as a green room for performing artists. It’s a comparatively small space, but it was jam-packed with unexpected art, design and experimentation. Lauren Baker’s collection of embellished skulls set the tone. No animals are harmed in the making of this art. Each skull is named and comes complete with the story of how its owner lost its life. After a successful career in events marketing, Lauren decided to become an artist after having a vision during a visit to a shaman while traveling. There were, of course, some chairs – it’s a design show after all. This one is fro