A Re-telling of a Visit from St. Nick Page 7
A Re-telling of a Visit from St. Nick Page 7:
All these Reindeer could only mean one thing! Santa was here with presents, SCHA-WINGGGG!
There he is! I can’t believe my eyes!

I’m a little surprised at his size.
Look! There’s more! It’s a four score of lore!

Goes to show, anyone can be Santa. Being nice can be done by human, peeg, cat, dog or manta.
Quick as they came, they prepared to go. Loading up the sleigh and slushing through snow. Then, they looked right at me and said right out loud, “May your holidays be happy and most well-endowed!”

Wishing all our Cute Overload friends love, peace and joy!
Encore Presentayshon Santa dogs by Kelly R., all other Santas via Cutest Paw
Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Bunnies, christmas, encore presentayshe, Kittens, Pocket Pets, Pups
All these Reindeer could only mean one thing! Santa was here with presents, SCHA-WINGGGG!
There he is! I can’t believe my eyes!
I’m a little surprised at his size.
Look! There’s more! It’s a four score of lore!
Goes to show, anyone can be Santa. Being nice can be done by human, peeg, cat, dog or manta.
Quick as they came, they prepared to go. Loading up the sleigh and slushing through snow. Then, they looked right at me and said right out loud, “May your holidays be happy and most well-endowed!”
Wishing all our Cute Overload friends love, peace and joy!
Encore Presentayshon Santa dogs by Kelly R., all other Santas via Cutest Paw
Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Bunnies, christmas, encore presentayshe, Kittens, Pocket Pets, Pups
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